Event Date and Time
BPS 1140A/B


Department of Psychology presents

Danielle Beatty Moody

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Title: Elucidating Health Inequity: Multisource Race-Related Adversity, Black Americans, and Accelerated Disease Trajectory

When: Monday, April 8th, 12-1

Where: BPS 1140A/B

Dr. Beatty Moody is Director of The Social Determinants of Health Inequities Lab (SoDHI). The SoDHI Lab seeks to identify and ameliorate pathophysiological linkages of psychosocial and environmental factors to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular endpoints across the life course, particularly in racial/ethnic minorities for which health disparities are disproportionately observed. To investigate these endpoints, our work uses Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain along with ambulatory methodologies such as ambulatory blood pressure assessment, actigraphy (to assess sleep), and heart rate variability. The SoDHI lab explores early life social disadvantage, socioeconomic status, and varying forms of discrimination (e.g., everyday, lifetime, and racism/ethnic/racial discrimination) as correlates of health disparities. We also collaborate with the Healthy Aging in Neighborhoods of Diversity across the Life Span (HANDLS) study group at the National Institute on Aging (see https:/handls.nih.gov).


Photo of Dr. Danielle Beatty Moody