Dr. Amanda Chicoli is a lecturer in the Psychology Department. She is also the research coordinator for the neuroscience major, a faculty advisor for the minor in neuroscience, and the course director for NEUR305: Neural Systems and Circuits. Previously, she earned her Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science from the University of Maryland where she used behavioral and computational approaches to study collective behavior and decision making in groups of fish. Upon graduation, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Carnegie Institution for Science where she used molecular, genetic, and whole-brain imaging to investigate the connectivity and function of the zebrafish dorsal habenulae. She is passionate about science education and is thrilled to be back at the University of Maryland! 

Courses currently taught at the University of Maryland, College Park:

  • NEUR305: Neural Systems & Circuits- Spring and Fall semesters
  • PSYC300: Research Methods in Psychology- Fall semester
  • PSYC409: Topics in Neuroscience- Fall semester
  • PSYC302: Learning & Behavior - Fall semester
  • PSYC489R: Human & Animal Intelligence - Spring semester

Courses previously taught at the University of Maryland, College Park:

  • PSYC489P: Scientific Ethics and Integrity, Spring 2020
  • BSCI454: Neurobiology Laboratory (co-instructor with Dr. Hilary Bierman), Fall 2019
  • BSCI353: Principles of Neuroscience, Fall 2018


  • PhD
    University of Maryland, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, 2016
  • BS
    Brooklyn College - CUNY, Biology, Psychology, 2010

Current Students

Former Students

Headshot of Dr. Chicoli. She is wearing a sleeveless dress and smiling. Background is of bushes and greenery.
1107B Biology Psychology Building
Department of Psychology
achicoli [at] umd.edu