My main research program focuses on manifestations of stigma, discrimination, and stereotypes, particularly with respect to lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people. Some of my work is on the experiences of individuals from stigmatized groups, whereas some is on attitudes and behaviors toward members of stigmatized groups. I have a secondary research program on interpersonal relationships, with an emphasis on romantic relationships and the psychotherapy relationship. These two lines of scholarship intersect in my writing on same-sex couples and psychotherapy with LGB clients. My work is based on theoretical perspectives from social and personality psychology, including attachment theory, minority stress theory, and theories of collective identity formation. I serve on the editorial boards of Journal of Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice & Training.
Areas of Interest
- Stigma, prejudice, discrimination
- Collective identity
- Sexual orientation and sexual minority populations
- Interpersonal relationships (romantic, client-therapist)
Doctoral Programs
- Counseling
PhDUniversity of Maryland, College Park; Psychology, 2001
BSUniversity of California, Santa Cruz; Mathematics, 1988
Related Students (Listed by Student on Student's Profile)
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