Tracy Tomlinson received her doctoral degree in Psychology from the University of Maryland in 2009, become a post-doc with UMD and then transitioned to being a lecturer with the University since 2010. She is currently a Principal Lecturer and has received teaching awards and grants for her work with the University to develop online courses, open education resources, improve teaching pedagogy, and has created a new (very popular) course, Legal Psychology, as well as redesigning core curriculum for the introduction to statistics course. She has served as the co-director of the Design and Statistical Analysis Lab where she mentored graduate students who provided statistical consulting to faculty and graduate students. Her research interests lie within the intersection of cognition, law, and statistics as well as teaching pedagogy.

CV: Tomlinson CV.pdf451.86 KB


  • PhD
    University of Maryland, Psychology, 2009
  • MS
    University of Maryland, Psychology, 2007
  • BA
    Reed College, Psychology, 2003

Teaching Philosophy. I use a scientist-practitioner model to innovatively and passionately teach students through experiential practices to be ethical and critical producers and consumers of research. I have dedicated myself to teaching and training students in ethical, equitable, and logical scientific thinking and dissemination. To accomplish this, I have five guiding principles in my approach to teaching, where I use: 1) An open science framework, 2) Data driven teaching policies, 3) Experiential learning, 4) Student mentorship, community, and inclusion and 5) Faculty collaboration and community. Student evaluations, departmental evaluations, teaching grants, and teaching awards indicate success with these goals.

I am an advocate and practitioner of promoting a more ethical process of science through open science. My research is integrative in looking to keep an applied perspective while performing theoretical work in legal psychology and teaching pedagogy.  In my legal psychology research I look at the intersections of justice and psychology, memory and judgment and many others, with particular areas of interest in repressed memories and interference theories of forgetting, juror biases and judgments, and lineup judgments and procedures. I am also a scientist-practitioner in my teaching where I create data-driven course policies and materials.

Dr. Tomlinson
BPS 1147A
Department of Psychology
ttomlin1 [at]