Dr. Wallsten is former department chair and professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland-College Park. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Following 30 years on the faculty at the University of University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, he moved to Maryland in 2000. He has held visiting appointments at The University of Chicago, Duke University, Haifa University in Israel, and Universität Oldenburg in Germany, the latter with the aid of a Humboldt Foundation Senior Scientist Award, and most recently as a visiting scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development Center for Adaptive Rationality. A cognitive and mathematical psychologist, he has published well over 100 articles and chapters primarily in the areas of probabilistic inference, judgment, choice, and communication under risk and uncertainty. He is a former editor of the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, a former associate editor of Psychometrika and of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition and currently on the editorial board of the journal Decision. He has served on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board, as an associate of the National Intelligence Council, and in various advisory roles for the National Science Foundation, including a grant review panel and Committees of Visitors for two different directorates. He is an elected fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists and the American Psychological Association, a charter fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, a past president of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, and a past-president of the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences (now known as FABBS – Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences). His current research focuses on developing methods for eliciting, modeling and aggregating continuous subjective probability distributions regarding real-world sociopolitical events.
Doctoral Programs
- Cognitive and Neural Systems (CNS)
- Social, Decision, and Organizational Sciences (SDOS)
Current Students
Former Students
Student NameDan ArielyCurrent PositionProfessor, Duke University
Student NameJoseph Neil BeardenCurrent PositionProfessor, INSEAD, Singapore
Student NameRandall BenderCurrent PositionSenior Psychometric Statistician at Evidera, Chapel Hill NC
Student NameSophie HummerCurrent PositionDirector, Research & Technical Services at Brown-Forman, Louisville, KY
Student NameAlberto BonazziCurrent PositionCo-director, Scuola Biodanza Lombardia, Milan Italy
Student NameJames CoxCurrent PositionDirector of Text Analytics R&D at SAS Institute, Inc.
Student NameHarold DelaneyCurrent PositionProfessor, University of New Mexico
Student NameMandeep DhamiCurrent PositionProfessor, Middlesex University, London
Student NameIdo ErevCurrent PositionProfessor, The Technion, Haifa, Israel
Student NameBarbara ForsythCurrent PositionConsultant
Student NameClaudia Gonzalez-VallejoCurrent PositionAssociate professor, Ohio University
Student NameHongbin GuCurrent PositionAssociate professor, University of North Carolina
Student NameYoonhee JangCurrent PositionAssistant professor, University of Montana
Student NameHong JiangCurrent PositionManager, Deloitte
Student NameErika Manning
Student NameTimothy J. PleskacCurrent PositionSenior Scientist, Max Planck Inst. for Human Develop., Center for Adaptive Rationality, Berlin
Student NamePetra Scheck-BradleyCurrent PositionAssociate Research Scientist, Univ. of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language
Student NameAndrea ShapiroCurrent PositionOrganizational Change Training StrategyPerspective.com
Student NameYaron ShlomiCurrent PositionDirector of Research, Media Innovation Lab, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel
Student NamePaul ThompsonCurrent PositionDirector, Methodology and Data Analysis Center, Sanford Research/Univ. South Dakota
Student NameHsuchi TingCurrent PositionRisk Management Consultant at Discover Financial Services, Houston TX
Student NameRami ZwickCurrent PositionAssociate dean and professor, Univ. of California-Riverside