Lauren is a first year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program working with Dr. Andres De Los Reyes in the Comprehensive Assessment and Intervention Program (CAIP). She graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2015 with a BS in Psychology and in 2016 with a Masters in Clinical Psychological Science. At the University of Maryland, College Park, she worked with Dr.  Andres De Los Reyes examining multi-informant reports for social anxiety in adolescents and examining how stress affects family relationships.  Her research interests include parenting, family functioning, and how parental monitoring can affect the development of internalizing disorders in children and adolescents.


  • MPS
    2016 University of Maryland, College Park, Masters in Clinical Psychological Sciences,
  • BS
    2015 University of Maryland, College Park Psychology,
Biology-Psychology Building (BPS) 3144
Department of Psychology
lkeeley [at]