The Graduate School offers two travel grants for University of Maryland graduate students: The Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant and the International Conference Student Support Award (ICSSA). The ICSSA pays for the registration fee for international conferences to students participating in an international scholarly conference.
These grants are intended to help defray the expenses incurred by UMD graduate students who are traveling to scholarly, scientific, or professional conferences to present papers, posters, or other scholarly material. Students may receive each award twice during their graduate education at UMD, once before the achievement of candidacy (including master’s students) and a second time after the achievement of candidacy. Students must be presenting a paper, poster, or other types of presentation and must be enrolled at UMD at the time of travel.
Application Deadlines: Applications and all supporting materials must be received by the Graduate School before the travel dates.
Goldhaber Eligibility: Students must be participating in a scholarly conference. The Goldhaber Award is a matching grant and requires that students secure funding from an internal or external source prior to submitting an application. Please see complete guidelines for additional information.
If you have any questions regarding these awards, please contact rkotzker [at] (Robyn Kotzker) at (301) 405-0281.