Instructions on how to use the SONA System

Below, you will find detailed instructions on:
1)      Adding your course to the SONA System
2)      Helpful Tips for Communicating with Students about SONA
3)      End of Semester Credit Reporting

For questions please contact the Psychology Department SONA Administrator at

Psyc 100 courses are automatically added to the SONA system each semester. If you teach another psyc course and would like to have your course added to the SONA system, please fill out this form. This form must be filled out at the beginning of each semester. 



Be sure to tell your students how many credit hours they may earn for your class, and how these credit hours will influence the students’ course grades.


If you would like to have a representative of the human subjects committee visit your class to explain the procedures to your students, please let us know.


You may wish to tell or remind your students that when they participate in an experiment they gain credit hours. However, if they sign up for an experiment and do not show up at the time they signed up for (unless they cancel properly within 24 hours), then they lose credit hours from the extra points that they have accumulated for participating in experiments.


Also, please remind students that if they are earning credits for more than one class in the same semester, then they must assign those credits to each of the different classes (instructions for doing so are on the for participants page).


The SONA system keeps track of all of the credit hours for your students. After the last day of classes, the credit hours earned by each of your students will be reported to you.