Instructions on how to use the SONA System
Below, you will find detailed instructions on:
1) Requesting an Account on the SONA System
2) A guide for researchers on how to use and navigate the SONA System
3) A guide for granting SONA credit with Qualtrics surveys
4) IRB Approval Application
For questions please contact the Psychology Department SONA Administrator at SONAhelp [at]
The psychology department provides a pool of participants for researchers in the department. Once your study has been approved by the campus IRB, please complete this survey to request for a researcher account on the SONA System. Once your researcher account is created you a will receive a logon ID and password that will enable you to create studies to post online.
Before you begin your research please visit the campus IRB site to review campus policies.
It is essential that you provide a complete debriefing for every participant. The debriefing should explain the purposes and methods of the study, the results you expect to obtain, how your data will be used, as well as explaining the need for any deception that occurred. Remember that the participants are expected to learn something about psychology from their participation in your research. A full debriefing is essential in achieving this goal.
The SONA Researcher Guide is a great resource to assist researchers in setting up and carrying out their experiments.
Help is also available from the SONA Administrator by emailing sonahelp [at]
Please visit this guide for help with credit granting if using Qualtrics for your study.
All research in the psychology department must be pre-approved by the campus IRB. All applications for IRB approval from psychology researchers are submitted online. To submit your application please begin here.