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TIPS Mission:

TIPS is the Transfer Integration Program for Psychology Students. TIPS is designed to provide practical guidance to Psychology Transfer Students on how to effectively manage the academic and social challenges of being a University of Maryland Undergraduate Psychology Major. 

TIPS Benefits:

  • Learn how to adjust effectively to the increased pace, size, and rigor of UMD PSYC courses

  • Gain a practical understanding of the differences in study and teaching approaches between your Transfer Institution and UMD

  • Learn how to establish one on one connections with instructors and psychology advising staff in the more group focused environment of UMD

  • Learn to develop successful study strategies for specific psychology major course requirements

  • Learn successful strategies for seeking and securing experiential learning opportunities such as research and internships


If you have any questions about TIPS please feel free to contact the Department of Psychology's Office of Undergraduate Studies at 301-405-5866, or contact Steve Young directly at


Things To Do The First Four Weeks of The Semester