Engage with psychological research being conducted by PSYC Terps at the Department of Psychology Undergraduate Research Fair! This is a great experience for any students involved in on-campus research, especially those students planning to pursue graduate study. To apply to present a poster, please complete this form by Wednesday, March 29th at 5pm

The PSYC Undergraduate Research Fair for the Spring 2023 semester will be held on April 22nd 12:00 pm - 1 pm at the BRB Colonnade . We request you RSVP for the event.  To view a list of previous posters presented please see this flyer

PSYC majors are also highly encouraged to submit their posters for the campus-wide Undergraduate Research Day. This year, the Research Day April 26th in the Grand Ballroom in Stamp. The event is hosted by the Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research. More specifics about the campus-wide Research Day can be found here.

Undergraduate Research Fair