Tenure/Tenure Track Promotion Policies
- Associate Professor with Tenure (2022 New!)
- Full Professor (2022 New!)
Professional Track Faculty Promotion Policies
- Instructional Faculty (Lecturer title) (2017)
- Clinical Faculty (2017)
- Research Faculty (2017)
Departmental Governance
- Annual Review/Merit Review Policy (2022 New!)
- Workload policy (Updated 2023)
- Department Constitution (2017)
- Inclusive Faculty Statement (2018)
Initiatives and Funding opportunities (internal to the department)
Departmental Awards
- Open Science Impact Award
- Award for Advancement of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and/or Social Justice (coming soon)
Legacy policies
- Associate Professor with Tenure (2006) - legacied
- Full Professor (2006) - legacied