Departmental Graduate Forms
Grad Student Schedule Request (Must be approved by advisor every semester before blocks are lifted. For more information about what section of independent studies to sign up for and the Schedule of Classes, click here).
Change of Advisor form (Must be signed by new and former advisor)
Graduate Assistant Statement of Mutual Expectations (SME) Forms
TA: Teaching Assistants,
RA: Research Assistants,
AA: Administrative Assistants,
Instructors of Record who Report to a Supervisor
Templates and Formatting Guidelines for Thesis and Dissertation
Template Instructions
Full Template for Dissertations
Lite Template for Dissertations
Full Template for Theses
Lite Template for Theses
Forms required for the M.S. Degree on way to Ph.D. (Submit forms to the Graduate Office at least one week prior to the deadlines of the semester you are graduating to allow for processing and departmental approval). Click here to view Important Graduation Deadlines for Spring, Summer, and Fall.
1. Year 1 Outcome Assessment of 1st-Year Review (Must be completed by your advisor at the end of your first year).
2. Thesis Proposal form (Must be turned in immediately after your thesis proposal defense).
3. Application for Graduation (Apply in the semester you anticipate graduating or defend your thesis).
4. Master's Approved Program Form (Required courses for the MS degree include 6 credits 799, 601, 602, and 3rd Quantitative course. Total credits must be at least 30-42 credits. This form will be completed by the deadline on your behalf by the PSYC Graduate Office).
5. Nomination of Thesis Committee Form (Upon approval of this form, you'll receive an email from the Graduate Office of additional forms, which is the Report of Examining Committee package and procedures before a final thesis defense can occur).
6. If you have a faculty you would like to serve on your committee that is not affiliated with the University or is not a member of the Graduate Faculty, you must nominate them by filling out the following forms:
- Nomination to Graduate Faculty Form
- Personal Information Form (SS# can be left blank and the nominee can call it in)
7. Thesis/Dissertation Embargo Request (To be submitted along with the Report of Examining Committee form)
8. Submit Approved Thesis online by the semester graduation deadline via DRUM/ProQuest (See formatting template above).
9. Year 2 Outcome Assessment of Research Competency (Must be completed by your advisor/committee members after your thesis defense).
Forms required for the Ph.D. degree (Submit forms to the Graduate Office at least one week prior to the deadlines of the semester you are graduating to allow for processing and departmental approval). Click here to view Important Graduation Deadlines for Spring, Summer, and Fall.
1. Certificate of Research Competence (This form is in lieu of successfully defending a master's thesis)
2. Comprehensive Exam Result form or TIE Project (CLIN) (Must be turned in after completing the TIE Project or passing comps in order to advance to candidacy).
3. Year 3 Outcome Assessment of Comprehensive Exam (Must be completed by your advisor/committee members after passing your comps).
4. Application for Admission to Candidacy (You're eligible to apply for Candidacy after the passing of comps)
5. Dissertation Proposal form (Must be turned in immediately after your dissertation proposal defense)
6. Year 4 Outcome Assessment of Dissertation Proposal (Must be completed by your advisor/committee members after proposing your dissertation)
7. Application for Graduation (Apply in the semester you anticipate graduating or defend your dissertation).
8. Nomination of Dissertation Committee Form (Upon approval of this form, you'll receive an email from the Graduate Office of additional forms, which is the Report of Examining Committee package and procedures before a final dissertation defense can occur).
9. If you have a faculty you would like to serve on your committee that is not affiliated with the University or is not a member of the Graduate Faculty, you must nominate them by filling out the following forms:
- Nomination to Graduate Faculty Form
- Personal Information Form (SS# can be left blank and the nominee can call it in)
10. Oral Defense Announcement (Must be turned in at least 2 weeks before Oral Defense).
11. Thesis/Dissertation Embargo Request (To be submitted along with the Report of Examining Committee form)
12. Year 5 Outcome Assessment of Dissertation Defense (Must be completed by your advisor/committee members after successfully defending your dissertation).
13. Submit Approved Dissertation online by the semester graduation deadline via DRUM/ProQuest (See formatting template above).
14. Internship Completion form (Must be turned in upon completion of your internship-CLIN & COUN only)
15. Graduation Surveys (Required for all UMD doctoral).
Department's Graduate Outcome Assessment Forms (to be completed by advisor & committee members)
Year 1 Outcome Assessment of 1st-Year Review
Year 2 Outcome Assessment of Research Competency
Year 3 Outcome Assessment of Comprehensive Exam
Year 4 Outcome Assessment of Dissertation Proposal
Year 5 Outcome Assessment of Dissertation Defense
Petitions, Requests, and Waivers
General Forms
Immunization Record Form (Required for all graduate students upon admission)
Parental Accommodation Application
Graduate Assistant Statement of Mutual Expectations (see Google Doc version here)
Most of the following forms are PDF files and may require you to download and install the latest version of Adobe’s (free) Acrobat Reader. If you are having technical difficulties, please contact the OIT Help Desk.
All other graduate forms can be found on the Graduate School website.