Graduate training at the University of Maryland Counseling Psychology Program will prepare students for pursuing licensure as psychologists, and graduates of our program have become licensed in many states throughout the United States. The program, however, does not directly lead to licensure upon graduation. States vary in post-doctoral requirements for licensure, but typically they include (a) completion of post-doctoral supervised hours of clinical experience, (b) passing national and state examinations, and (c) other state-specific requirements (e.g., background checks, credential verifications, additional educational training). You should directly check the web sites of the state licensing boards you are interested in for the most accurate and up-to-date information on educational and other requirements for licensure, as there is no guarantee that the information on our program website is completely accurate and up-to-date.
The Counseling Psychology Program has reviewed the educational requirements for licensure in all U.S. jurisdictions to determine eligibility. A summary of our conclusions is below. We prepared a more detailed discussion on this document that includes weblinks for state licensing boards; additional information is available on the Consumer Information Disclosures Report prepared by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Please note that this information focuses on educational requirements, i.e., the required courses and training experiences for students in our program. State licensing boards may have additional requirements not listed here, such as post-doctoral training hours.
U.S. Boards of Psychology in which graduates would be eligible to sit for the EPPP upon completion of the doctoral program:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia (DC), Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
U.S. Boards of Psychology in which graduates would NOT be eligible to sit for the EPPP upon completion of the doctoral program without additional coursework:
- California: Additional coursework is needed in human sexuality; alcohol/chemical dependency detection and treatment; child abuse assessment; spousal/partner abuse assessment, detection, and intervention strategies; aging and long-term care; and suicide risk assessment and intervention.
- Kentucky: Additional coursework is needed in psychopathology and assessment practicum. Also, most graduates will require additional coursework in basic science areas, as Kentucky requires at least three graduate semester hours in each of the following four areas: biological basis of behavior; cognitive-affective basis of behavior; social basis of behavior; and individual differences (which includes courses in human development, abnormal psychology, or personality theory). Our program does not require separate courses in these areas.
- Maine: Additional coursework is needed in family or intimate partner violence screening and referral and intervention strategies, including knowledge of community resources, cultural factors, evidence-based risk assessment and same-gender abuse dynamics is needed.
- New Jersey: Additional coursework is needed in basic science areas, as New Jersey requires at least six graduate semester hours in each of the following three areas: personality theory and human development theory; learning theory and/or physiological psychology; and psychopathology.
- New York: Additional coursework is needed in basic science areas, as New York requires at least three graduate semester hours in each of the following four areas: biological basis of behavior; cognitive-affective basis of behavior; social basis of behavior; and individual differences (which includes courses in human development, abnormal psychology, or personality theory). Our program does not require separate courses in these areas.
- Oklahoma: Additional coursework is needed in basic science areas, as Oklahoma requires at least three graduate semester hours in each of the following four areas: biological basis of behavior; cognitive-affective basis of behavior; social basis of behavior; and individual differences (which includes courses in human development, abnormal psychology, or personality theory). Our program does not require separate courses in these areas.
- Texas: Additional coursework is needed in basic science areas, as Texas requires at least six graduate semester hours in each of the following four areas: biological basis of behavior; cognitive-affective basis of behavior; social basis of behavior; and individual differences (which includes courses in human development, abnormal psychology, or personality theory).
U.S. Boards of Psychology in which we could not determine whether graduates would be eligible to sit for the EPPP upon completion of the doctoral program:
Pacific Territories, Puerto Rico