Psychology is one of our campus' most popular majors and is classified as a Limited Enrollment Program (LEP). The gateway requirements are in place to ensure that anyone who pursues the major is prepared to be successful in the field. More information about the gateway courses is on the Degree Requirements page.
Incoming Freshman
All students accepted directly as freshman into the psychology major, or who declare by the last day of classes in their first semester, will undergo an Academic Review at 45 credits (earned at Maryland) in order to remain in the major. You will need to have completed the LEP gateway requirements and earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 to remain in the major.
Transferring from Another Major or Another School
Any student who wants to add psychology as a major has to have already completed the LEP gateway requirements along with a 2.7 cumulative GPA.
If you have not done so already, please begin the Major Change/Addition of Major process by visiting to submit your official change/addition of major request once you have completed the LEP gateway requirements.
Then, send the PSYC Department an email indicating your interest in the major (psycadvising [at]
You will receive an email back with detailed instructions including tasks for completing your request to add or change your major. Throughout the process you may be notified if additional actions are required.
The tasks will include completing a Major Change Workshop and submitting a graduation plan.
Once you complete all of the tasks listed in the system and your graduation plan has been approved, your major will be changed or added. Please remember to check the "Completed" box on TerpEngage so you can move on with the process.
These requests may take up to 15 business days to process.
*Students on academic probation/dismissal, student athletes and other designated student populations will be required to schedule an appointment with a BSOS College Advisor to finalize their major change or addition.
Registering for a PSYC Major Change/Addition of Major Workshop:
You will be prompted to register for a PSYC Major Change/Addition of Major Workshop in Step 1 of the TerpEngage major change process. You must begin the major change process through TerpEngage before requesting to register for a major change workshop.
PSYC Major Change Workshops are virtual. You may register for by emailing PSYCDesk [at]
After completing the Major Change Workshop, you must return to your major change task list on TerpEngage and mark Step 1 as complete in order to move forward in the major change process.
Our Undergraduate Program Managers have office hours and are available to answer questions as you complete the workshop. You are also welcome to schedule an appointment with a PSYC Advisor after the completion of the workshop if you have further questions.