If you are considering majoring in psychology at the University of Maryland or have already accepted an admissions offer to UMD, you've come to the right place!
The time leading up to your first semester of college can be nerve-wracking, but don't be intimidated! There's a ton that you can do to prepare yourself for success, and the are so many resources in and beyond the Department of Psychology that are here to help you.
If you have a question and you can't find the answer on this website, call the Advising Office in Psychology at 301-405-5866. If we can't answer your question right away, we can set up an appointment to meet with you.
Here are some tips so that you can make the most out your time before your first semester!
Senior Year of High School
- Helpful AP classes for PSYC: AP Psychology, AP Biology, and/or AP Calculus. A score of 4 or a 5 on any of these AP exams will be accepted as a gateway class for PSYC: PSYC100, BSCI170/171, or MATH140. If these AP classes are available to you, it is a good idea to take them.
- If you know your want to major in Psychology, make sure to declare that as your major on your UMD Application! It's easier to be accepted as a PSYC major than to switch into PSYC when you get here.
- Attend UMD's Admitted Students Open House(s) in the Spring! There are PSYC Info sessions led by faculty, staff, and students in the department! Come with questions!
Summer before your First Semester
- Start looking at our Courses and Syllabi page to see what classes spark your interests. If you have classes in mind, you might be able to start taking them or the required prerequisites for them as early as your first semester!
- Attend orientation! More info can be found here. For incoming PSYC Majors, there will be a presentation by students and/or Advisors to help prepare you for class registration. Again, bring questions!
Your First Semester and Beyond
- You made it! If you have any questions or concerns, come into advising anytime during our walk-in hours (M-F 10-Noon, M-Th 1-3) or make an appointment! We recommend you come in at least once a semester to make sure you're on track to graduate and to make sure you're getting the most out of your undergraduate experience.
- All students accepted directly as freshman into the psychology major, or who declare by the last day of classes in their first semester, will undergo an Academic Review at 45 credits (earned at Maryland) in order to remain in the major. You will need to have completed the gateway requirements and earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 to remain in the major.